Thursday, 16 June 2011

Indigo Dyeing Workshops

On 11th June, Sally of Ewe Can Too held an indigo dyeing workshop at Durnhill Farm, Portsoy. They had great, if a bit messy, fun watching the greens turn to blue as the indigo met the air. A basket maker and a paper maker joined us, so as well as dyeing wool, cotton and silk we also turned willow and handmade paper some fabulous colours. Not content with shades of blue we got yellows from carrot tops and turmeric then popped in to the indigo vat! Some amazing greens resulted- especially on the willow!

Photos are to follow.

If you would like to find out more about indigo dyeing, please email Sally on

Monday, 13 June 2011

Diary of a Spinner - May 2011

At last the long dark nights knitting by the wood burner are gone. The lambs are in the fields and the shearer is busy. I wonder if the fleeces will be as stunning as they were last year. I always use local fleeces when I can. The farmers get such a poor price for their wool and are always pleased to have them used by a neighbourhood spinner.

I hope we are in for some sunny breezy days because I will soon be up to my armpits washing fleece (not my favourite job!) and if the weather isn’t kind it is a nightmare trying to get them dry. But it is satisfying to see the bags of fleece hanging in the shed ready for the next year of spinning, dyeing and knitting.

The dye stuffs are growing so soon my pots will be bubbling away. Gorse, nettles, bracken and fern are all excellent dyes that I use in the early summer. I like to get plenty of fleeces dyed ready to blend the colours as I get the inspiration.

You can see the results of my labours at fairs with the Speyside Artisans. Or perhaps you will join one of my informal workshops at my cottage on the Speyside Way.
For details visit Ewe Can Too